Fawley Bridge, Reading


Delivery of new planning consent for 100 bed self contained ensuite cluster flats. Design and build a student accommodation facility less than 5 minutes walk from Reading University Campus in an established residential district of the Town. Planning originally consented in 2003 as part of a mixed use scheme. Following various amended planning consents K&E secured a conditional contract to procure a new revised consent in line with more modern requirements for such facilities in keeping with Reading Universities International status. Planning secured in 2011 for a new scheme capable of construction using modern modular techniques and amended to avoid site constraints created from previous conveyancing errors from disposals of adjoining land interests.

Residential & Student Accomodation
Fawley Bridge Reading


  • Identified the opportunity to develop student accommodation in key south east University Town
  • Negotiated the contract to allow for rectification of planning consent to marry with site constraints and more modern design and layout requirements
  • Liaised extensively with Council planners
  • Completed Topographical and Geographical constraint modelling to ensure officer support for revised design
  • Completed extensive due diligence on site constraints to secure planning support for larger buildings than the previously consented site
  • Following receipt of planning consent contracts for purchase sold to Fawleybridge Student Accommodation who already own and operate other facilities in the Town